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Creative Direction, Lead Designer
As with any marketing output from Apple there are high expectations for quality, well crafted designs and creative. A large number landing pages and email framework templates were created for Apple consumers of which needed a clear, engaging narrative between artwork and editorial, as well as being able to work well as a concept across multiple languages.
This meant that not only did the framework need to be scaleable to incorporate additional content, but the creative concepts needed to work internationally and not just in the UK.
I acted as lead designer no the account, and was responsible for all Apple related output.
Archibald Ingall Stretton
Creative Direction, Lead Designer
As with any marketing output from Apple there are high expectations for quality, well crafted designs and creative. A large number landing pages and email framework templates were created for Apple consumers of which needed a clear, engaging narrative between artwork and editorial, as well as being able to work well as a concept across multiple languages.
This meant that not only did the framework need to be scaleable to incorporate additional content, but the creative concepts needed to work internationally and not just in the UK.
I acted as lead designer no the account, and was responsible for all Apple related output.
Archibald Ingall Stretton